Forklift trucks on public roads: regulations, technology and driver qualifications

Forklift trucks on public roads: regulations, technology and driver qualifications

published on 11. February 2025

Forklift trucks on public roads? Yes, it happens – and more often than you might think! Whether crossing a road between two company premises or loading and unloading a lorry in a car park, as shown in the picture in the article, clear rules apply when forklift trucks enter public traffic areas.

The forklift truck in the picture is doing it wrong. To ensure safe and, above all, legal use, the forklift truck must be technically equipped and the driver must be appropriately qualified. Find out what’s important here!

What is considered to be part of public traffic areas?

Public traffic areas include much more than just traditional roads. All areas that can be accessed by an unspecified number of people are included, regardless of whether they are privately or publicly owned. Examples:

  • car parks at DIY stores or supermarkets, if they are not cordoned off by barriers or access controls.
  • company premises without a closed access road, if suppliers or visitors can enter the area freely.
  • access roads to construction sites or exhibition grounds that are open to the general public during events.

As soon as a forklift truck is used in such areas, not only the internally applicable accident prevention regulation for industrial trucks (DGUV Regulation 68) applies, but the entire set of rules of road traffic law must also be observed. And that consists of the individual parts of the road traffic regulations (StVG), the Vehicle Registration Ordinance (FZV) and the Driving Licence Ordinance (FeV).

Technical equipment: What does a forklift truck need to be on the road?

Don’t worry, the above-mentioned rules, regulations and laws may be extensive, but with just a few measures, you can be on the road with legal compliance. For a forklift truck to be operated on public roads, it must have the following equipment:


  • Maximum speed of up to 6 km/h: No holder or vehicle identification is required.
  • Maximum speed of 6 to 20 km/h: Holder identification is sufficient (usually regulated by public liability insurance). A sign or easily legible sticker stating the holder is sufficient.
  • Over 20 km/h maximum speed: A registration number and a valid operating licence are mandatory.


The lighting must fully comply with the provisions of the German Road Traffic Act (StVZO). This means:

The various functions, such as low beam and indicators can also be combined in combination lights.


At least two independent braking systems: a service brake and a parking brake.


The tyres must be suitable for use on public roads and provide sufficient grip and stability.

Mirrors and visibility

External mirrors or camera systems that provide the driver with a comprehensive field of vision.


  • Driver restraint system (crash bar, belt)
  • Wheel chock (from 4 t total weight)
  • Fork-type protective beams
  • exterior mirrors
  • first-aid kit
  • horn
  • operating licence/vehicle registration document

Requirements for the driver

Not only the forklift itself, but also the driver must be prepared so that the forklift truck may be driven on public roads:

  • Forklift licence: usually required for in-house use.
  • Driving licence class: Depending on the maximum speed:
    • Up to 6 km/h: No driving licence required.
    • 6 to 20 km/h: Class L (‘tractor driving licence’).
    • Over 20 km/h: Class B (‘car driving licence’) or higher.
  • Minimum age: 18.
  • Regular training: The driver must be confident operating the forklift, particularly in traffic.

A forklift truck as an exceptional vehicle

Forklift trucks are generally considered to be exceptional vehicles and may use a rotating beacon under certain conditions. However, at least one of the following conditions must be met:

  • The forklift is used to build, maintain or clean roads or road facilities.
  • It transports exceptionally wide or long loads that require special securing.
  • It moves as an exceptionally slow vehicle with considerable hazard potential.

Use as a special-purpose vehicle is regulated in § 52, paragraph 4 of the German Road Traffic Act (StVZO). If it is to be used as a special-purpose vehicle, the forklift truck also requires:

  • rotating beacon: amber rotating
  • red/white hazard markings in accordance with DIN 30 710

Forklifts on public roads are feasible – our conclusion

Forklifts on public roads are not as rare as you might think. Even company premises can be considered public roads, even if this is not immediately apparent. In addition to a driver qualification and compulsory insurance, legally compliant technical equipment of the forklift truck may be required. However, this is not rocket science and can usually be achieved quickly. All that remains is to create awareness of this situation.

We will be happy to help you with the lighting equipment for your forklift truck. For everything else, we can at least advise you.


Wir haben alle genannten Punkte nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen recherchiert, übernehmen aber keine Haftung für eventuelle Fehler. Zusätzlich gilt zu beachten, dass die in diesem Artikel genannten Vorschriften ausschließlich die Situation in Deutschland beschreiben. Falls ein Gabelstapler im Ausland genutzt werden soll, ist es ratsam, sich frühzeitig über die jeweiligen Anforderungen zu informieren, da die Vorschriften bereits in der EU nicht einheitlich geregelt sind. Hier einige Beispiele:

  • In Frankreich müssen Gabelstapler, die im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr genutzt werden, seitliche Markierungsleuchten haben, um die Sichtbarkeit bei Nacht oder schlechter Witterung zu erhöhen. Dies geht über die in Deutschland geforderte Standardbeleuchtung hinaus.
  • Während in Deutschland ein einzelner Außenspiegel ausreichen kann, sind in Österreich zwei Rückspiegel vorgeschrieben, um das Sichtfeld zu verbessern. Zusätzlich benötigen Fahrzeuge über 10 km/h in Österreich eine Zulassung, es sei denn, sie fallen unter eine Ausnahmeregelung.
  • In Italien besteht eine generelle Zulassungspflicht für Gabelstapler, unabhängig von ihrer Geschwindigkeit. Zudem ist für alle Staplerfahrer eine gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Schulung erforderlich – selbst wenn das Fahrzeug nur innerbetrieblich genutzt wird.

Wer mit einem Gabelstapler im Ausland öffentliche Straßen nutzt, sollte sich daher genau über die jeweiligen Vorschriften informieren. Die technischen Anforderungen und Fahrerlaubnispflichten unterscheiden sich teils erheblich!

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