
If, contrary to expectations, an item you have purchased is defective, please follow our complaints process. Goods returned to us without being asked will not be accepted!

1. Error description

Please send a brief description of the defect, stating our item number and, if available, the delivery note number, as well as a meaningful photo of the defective item to For ready-made articles, please also state the production date and the serial number. This information can usually be found on the product label underneath or on the back of the product.

2. Preliminary inspection by us

We will carry out a preliminary check of your complaint request within 3 days on the basis of the data provided by you. In the event of a justified complaint, we will provide you with a complaint number and initial remedial measures.
If the complaint is not accepted, we will also inform you and give you the reason for the rejection.

3. Return of defective articles

In the case of a justified complaint, we will decide within 1 week whether a return of the defective items is necessary. If this is the case, please send the defective item(s) back to us, stating the complaint number:

J. Führ GmbH
Abteilung Qualitätssicherung
Bei der Pulvermühle 7a
22453 Hamburg

4. 4D/8D Report

Returned articles are checked internally by us. If necessary, we send returns on to our manufacturing partners for further examination.
As a rule, you will receive a final error report no later than 8 weeks after receipt of the complaint. You will be informed about further measures by means of a 4D/8D report.

Assumption of complaint costs

The costs for reworking and/or transport as well as other costs in connection with the complaint, which go beyond the reimbursement of the material value, will not be assumed by us as a matter of principle.

Complaint form

Alternative method for complaints

You can also register complaints by sending us a short description of the defect, stating our article number and, if available, the delivery note number, as well as a meaningful photo of the defective article to For ready-made articles, please also state the production date as well as the serial number. This information can usually be found on the product label underneath or on the back of the product.


(Registration using the complaint form is preferred by us!)


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