
The term Candela (unit symbol cd) is used to describe the light intensity of a light source, i.e. the intensity of the light beam radiated by a light source in a particular direction. As against the Lumen, which is mainly used to specify the total brightness of a source of light, Candela describes only the quantity of light …

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CE mark

The CE mark (also known as the CE symbol) is an obligatory conformity mark on products that are traded in the domestic market of the European Economic Area. The CE-mark certifies that a product has fulfilled the EU regulations for consumer safety, health or environment requirements. However, the CE mark is not …

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Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. The CMVSS are a collection of technical regulations that define minimum requirements for motor vehicle components and assemblies. These standards are valid in Canada. Like the ECE and SAE regulations, the CMVSS are divided into different sections. …

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Colour rendering index

The colour rendering index (CRI) describes the colour fidelity of a light source. For this purpose, the relative colour temperature of the light source to be measured is first determined. Then eight standard colours (see illustration) are first irradiated by an ideal black body of the same temperature and then by the light source to be measured. …

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Colour temperature

The relative colour temperature (CCT) of a light source is based on the principle that any object will emit light if it is heated to a high enough temperature. The colour of this light will change in a predictable way depending on the temperature.  The reference point here is the so-called black body, an object that only exists in theory. …

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For many manufacturers, it is sufficient if the light cone of their headlight meets the legal requirements. LED headlights with ComfortLite® have revised light patterns that not only illuminate the prescribed area, but also emit additional usable light. In the case of a low beam, more of the foreground, i.e. the area directly in front of the vehicle, is illuminated. On high beam, ComfortLite® provides illumination above the horizon as well as a powerful punch of light down the road.

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Condensation refers to the physical transition of a gaseous substance into the liquid state. This is visible, for example, through droplet formation on cold surfaces. …

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Cornering light

ornering light is a driving light that illuminates the inside of the bend when cornering. This is done either by mechanically or electronically shifting the light cone towards the inside of the bend (dynamic cornering light) or by switching on an additional …

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