ECE regulations

The ECE regulations are internationally agreed technical regulations for vehicles, and parts and equipment for motor vehicles, by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE). There are over one hundred different regulations covering different technical aspects. …

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ECE road approval

To obtain the ECE road approval, only such components may be used, which bear an ECE test mark as per the ECE regulation. In general, it is assumed that a component with an ECE test mark can be fitted on a vehicle without further testing and that component is thus road approved. But …

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ECE test mark

The ECE test mark (also known as the ECE label or E mark) is used to identify components on motor vehicles that require approval and have passed the tests intended for them and for which there is thus an ECE type approval. The tests are based on the ECE regulations. It must be attached to the component in a …

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Effective Lumen

The brightness of a work light or headlight in lumens is only a theoretical value that does not take into account losses that occur. The concept of effective lumens provides a remedy. In contrast to theoretical lumens, these take into account all relevant losses and thus indicate the actual light …

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Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the desired property of technical devices not to interfere with each other through unwanted electrical or electromagnetic effects. Two types of interference can be distinguished here. …

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Similar to the German TÜV, the American ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratory) tests electrical products for their safety. Various guidelines have been drawn up for this purpose.

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EU test mark

Vehicle components that have been harmonised and tested on the basis of directives of the European Union are given a special test mark that must be attached to the component in a clearly visible position. In the case of lights, it is …

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