Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping refers to processes that are used to quickly produce sample components or functional models. These are often created using additive technologies (e.g. 3D printing) or automated milling processes.

Methods and processes

  • Additive manufacturing (e.g. FDM, SLS): components are built up layer by layer.
  • Subtractive methods (e.g. CNC): material is removed by milling, drilling or turning.
  • Vacuum casting, Ureol models and other methods that can provide prototypes close to the later series material.


Rapid prototyping makes it possible to test models early on in the product development process, for example for ergonomic, functional or design studies. This reduces the risk of expensive changes in later development phases.

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Advantages: Shortens development cycles, enables rapid feedback, reduces costs for undesirable developments.
  • Disadvantages: Prototypes are not always close to series production or are subject to restrictions in terms of material properties and dimensional accuracy.
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