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All lumens or watt?

All lumens or watt?

In the past, the world was still simple. The brightness of a spotlight was given in watts and everyone knew how bright it was. Or at least thought they did. But today you only find information in lumens, candela and lux. What is that actually? ...

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New compact worklights

New compact worklights

Experience comfort in the dark At night, special challenges arise for the safety and comfort of employees. The new Model 892 and 893 LED worklights from J.W. Speaker illuminate the workplace with bright, white light. ...

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Content in motion

Content in motion


We are now also available in motion! In the future, we will present various videos here.

On the one hand, of course, we plan to inform you about new products in the form of a product video podcast. But we also plan to present our products to you "live". ...

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Our first honey

Our first honey

Our bees have been busy! And we are happy about our organic honey. Once again it has paid off that we have moved our company headquarters so far into the countryside despite the good city location. Our colleagues are now not only happy about the opportunity to take their midday digestive walk directly into nature. ...

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More than one coloured spot on the ground!

More than one coloured spot on the ground!

Experience the next level of the legendary BlueSpot! Add extra safety with our LED projector model 560. Instead of a simple coloured spot, it projects a clearly visible warning sign onto the ground. This can flash in 6 different flash modes. ...

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Self-sufficient and visible

Self-sufficient and visible

How do you mark parked vehicles, trailers or other obstacles without having to worry about the power supply? It's simple! With self-charging solar marker lights. A brightness sensor automatically switches the light on at dusk. The battery lasts all night. Safety could hardly be simpler! ...

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