
Here you will find probably the largest range of headlights with road approval. Low beam, high beam, parking light, direction indicator, the whole optionally with adaptive bend lighting (model 8790/8791, 8690/8691), or also with Smart Heat function. Or the ultra-compact model 93, a 90mm module with 5 functions. And all of this is available in a wide variety of housings and as surface-mounted or recessed variants. A total of 50 convincing variants speak for our competence!

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Mounting bracket 515 FS-1576_Halter_515.jpg
Replacement mounting bracket for the LED headlight model 515.
Pedestal mounting bracket ZU-2091_Montagering_97.jpg
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.22621}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0\fs17 Model 97...
Model 9900 SmartHeat FS-1891-Fahrscheinwerfer_9900.jpg
J.W. Speaker launches another road-legal complete solution for industrial vehicles, the Model 9900 LED Driving Light . This Driving Light combines all functions for front...
Model 92 Mosaic FS-2146-Fahrscheinwerfer-Mosaic.jpg
Mosaic is a revolutionary flexible, modular lighting system that brings multiple design options to your vehicle’s lighting package while reducing costs and time to market. You...
Model 8700 Evo 3 SmartHeat FS-2160-Fahrscheinwerfer-8700Evo3.jpg
Back in 2009 J.W. Speaker introduced model 8700. It was the world`s first road approved retrofit LED headlight. In 2012 this light evolved and became the Evolution series with...
Model 87000 Evo 3 FS-2159-Fahrscheinwerfer-8700Evo3.jpg
Back in 2009 J.W. Speaker introduced model 8700. It was the world`s first road approved retrofit LED headlight. In 2012 this light evolved and became the Evolution series with...
Model 8632 Evolution FS-1584_Fahrscheinwerfer_8632.jpg
Full-scale headlight for industrial vehicles. Especially on industrial vehicles combination headlights with integrated turn signals are often used. Now there is a high quality...
Model 6150 AS-1659_Arbeitsscheinwerfer_6150AG.jpg
Clearly no dazzler! The main difference between a worklight and a headlight is that the headlight is much more limited in light output and usually has a very sharply defined...
Light bar Model 9049-3M FS-1292_Nebelscheinwerfer_9049.jpg
Genuine high-power lamps produce lots of light, but it mostly involves a much higher housing volume. Specially for vehicles on which lights must not be fitted high or low, light...
LED auxiliary light model 791 FS-1495_Zusatzscheinwerfer_791.png
Small and very compact. And quite bright for its size! Model 791 delivers an impressive 1150 lumens from a housing measuring just 5x15 cm (2"x6"). With its housing made of...
LED backup light model 778 XD TL-1342_Rueckfahrscheinwerfer_778XD.png
A special light for backup cameras! An emphasis on safety has made the use of backup cameras extremely popular across a wide range of applications. To get full funcionality even...
LED fog light model 791 FS-1620_Nebelscheinwerfer_791.jpg
Model 791 is a small fog light in a housing measuring just 5x15 cm (2"x6"). With its housing made of die-cast aluminum, a lens of glass and the black bezel this small light is a...
LED fog light model 6146 FS-1357_Nebelscheinwerfer_6146.jpg
LED fog light model 6146 is technical identical to model 6145, though the housing is specially made to fit into the bumper of the Ford F-150.
LED fog light model 6050 AS-995_Nebelscheinwerfer_6050.jpg
The eye-catcher per se. This LED fog light not only impresses with its exceptional look but especially with an excellent illumination. Model 6050 is the pedestal mount version...
LED fog light model 6045 Mk II FS-1612_Nebelscheinwerfer_6045.jpg
Unchanged look, new feel! The well established LED fog light Model 6045 has received a meaningful update. In the version Mk II not only the sealing against rough weather...
LED fog light model 6025 Fs-1744_Nebelscheinwerfer_6025.jpg
First-class LED technology with reflector light for retrofit lovers. Meanwhile there are for almost all motorcycles LED headlights to retrofit. But the mostly very technical...
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